Monday 16 April 2012

Rushing to judgements and conclusions!

Many of you know that I wear several hats: I guide people through Europe during the summer months, I co-own a multimillion business in the travel industry and I coach people in mindset, attitude to life and self-healing.
During a recent tour I had a chat with a very smart gentleman from Australia about how fast people draw conclusions and judge a person or a situation based on only one or two facts, far from even grasping the part of the picture. At the end of our conversation, knowing that I am history buff and of course to also get his point across, he asked me the following questions which I thought would benefit my blog readers greatly.
Question 1:
If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion?

Question 2:
It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote
counts. Here are the facts about the three candidates.
Candidate A:
Associates with crooked politicians and consults with astrologists. He has had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 Martinis a day.
Candidate B:
He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.
Candidate C:
He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never committed adultery.

He then asked me which of these candidates I would choose? 
I wasn’t quite sure what to answer, as I was certain these were trick questions and for sure they were! Because when I heard the answers, my jaw dropped!
Candidate A is
 Franklin D. Roosevelt. Candidate B is Winston Churchill, and candidate C is Adolf Hitler.

And, by the way, regarding the answer to the first question: since I had answered YES, I had just killed Beethoven ;))
This small conversation helped me to remember to never judge too fast anything and to make sure to dig deeper and to learn more about any situation that I am facing.

Q Moayad is the Naked Healer. We have entered a new era of Quantum healing, quantum coaching, quantum mechanics, universal healing, universal energies, life coach, life healing, energy healing, sexual healing. You can see this all around you: in the stock market, your career, your relationships, your children and even your health. What used to work is no longer working. This era requires a new set of life tools. It calls for you to integrate your life actions with the power of international living.

How to Utilize our malleable mind and memory in Creating the most Fulfilled Life – Ever!

I recently had the incredible pleasure of attending some of Jan Hargrave's seminars on body language. She also delved into the jury selection process in court hearings which gave us an incredible insight into how much thought, work and energy is put into simply selecting the right jurors for a specific case. She then moved on to talk about how much you can read from a witnesses body language as opposed to the spoken word and how much a witness really remembers or simply believes to remember, and this is the topic that I would like to write about today: is reality seen through our eyes or created in our brain whether we have actually seen/heard something or not?

Part of the problem is that the brain does not have a knack for retaining many specifics and is highly susceptible to suggestion. Our memory is weak and usually overloaded with information. An event usually happens so fast that when we are asked to recount specifics of the event we can hardly remember any details as we never focused on the even in such detail. Hundreds of studies have already shown that memories are malleable and, contrary to popular belief, don't work like a video recorder but rather like a grainy slide show.
And here are some examples: in a 1974 study at the University of California, Irvine, participants were asked to view films of minor car accidents in which no glass was broken. When the subjects were asked how fast the cars were driving when they 'smashed' into each other – as opposed to 'hit' – they were more likely to describe shattered glass they never saw. In 1999 researchers at Harvard University showed a video of people dressed in either black or white passing a basketball. The participants were asked to count the number of passes made by players in white. During the test, a woman dressed in a gorilla suit strolled through the players. She remained unnoticed by about half of the subjects. And finally, just to make my point, distraction is not limited to the eyes: at the University of London a 69-second long audio recording of two men and two women preparing for a party was played to a group of participants. Almost all the subjects instructed to listen to the women did not hear a third man repeating 'I am a gorilla' for 19 seconds during the conversation.
These are very powerful findings: if you tell your mind to focus on something – anything – it will filter out everything else, just like a computer.

You can utilize this feature to create the most fulfilling, healthy and happy life for yourself – simply program your mind to see what you ultimately would want to see. Visualize it, bit by bit. Scientists have already proven to us that our brain cannot distinguish whether we saw an object or a situation with our own eyes or whether we 'only' imagined that object or scene by thinking about them. Why not take advantage of this most powerful feature of our brain/mind/computer and program it so that can experience life the way we would want to?
Now most of you might sigh and ask – but how am I supposed to do that?! This is much, much easier than you might think: simply visualize, in every possible tiny detail, the outcome or result you would want to see happen. And allow the rest to simply unfold for you.

Have fun programming your mind into creating the best life ever for you!

Q Moayad is the Naked Healer. We have entered a new era of Quantum healing, quantum coaching, quantum mechanics, universal healing, universal energies, life coach, life healing, energy healing, sexual healing. You can see this all around you: in the stock market, your career, your relationships, your children and even your health. What used to work is no longer working. This era requires a new set of life tools. It calls for you to integrate your life actions with the power of international living.

Monday 9 April 2012

My Friend’s Wedding in Norway or the Merger of Two Families

Las weekend I visited my friend R in Norway as I was invited to attend his wedding. Needless to say that it was a magnificent event. It was the warmest March since recordings started – last year the still had a foot of snow on the ground – the sun was shining, it was a brilliant cloudless Saturday afternoon and we were overlooking the town from a gazebo set atop a hill.

It is not so much the wedding and the festivities that I would like to talk about but rather what I had the pleasure to observer 'behind the scenes' – the everyday life of two families merging and becoming one. R's lovely wife H has three daughters, a 7, a 10 and a 16 year old. And R has the coolest 8 year old son you can possibly imagine – but that is another story altogether. R and H only met less than 2 years ago but all of H's daughters embrace R if not as their new dad, but for sure as the new man in their mom's life and their new confidant and person they could lean on and trust. This was a heartwarming observation. How come R was able to win all of the girls (even the teenage one's!!) hearts and trust?! I shared with R my observation and admiration and asked him whether he knew why he was able to create such a great relationship with the girls in such a short period of time?

His answer was short and sweet: say what you gonna do and do as you say; in short keep your word and be reliable. When he says they are going skating on the weekend, they are going skating on the weekend, period. And if, on rare occassions, he cannot keep his promise, he explains them why and comes up with alternative plans.

R's response reminded me of something I once learned from a sage: treat relationships like bank accounts. Whenever you do something good then you can consider it as an emotional deposit. When you are reliable and create an environment where people can trust you, you are building up a big savings account. The bigger the savings the easier it is to be forgiven in case you cannot deliver on a promise – which eventually will happen, no matter what.

What goes around, comes around. The energies you exude create your perceived reality. Mind you, in R's case, the girls did not have an easy childhood, so it was not a walk in the park for him at all to achieve the loving family life he was enjoying on a daily basis. But his consistency and determination to create the family life he always wanted gradually produced an environment where the kids started to feel comfortable so that they felt safe enough to let down their guard and embrace R full heartedly.
The life you have is 100% a creation of you, your thoughts, belief systems, paradigms, and actions. As you can see, you can also Ride Your Horse in a family setting and proactively and consciously create the life that you want – we are no Bouncy Balls, we are no Victims! We are on Planet Earth to create the life that we want in all and every aspects – may this story inspire you to do so.

Q Moayad is the Naked Healer. We have entered a new era of Quantum healing, quantum coaching, quantum mechanics, universal healing, universal energies, life coach, life healing, energy healing, sexual healing. You can see this all around you: in the stock market, your career, your relationships, your children and even your health. What used to work is no longer working. This era requires a new set of life tools. It calls for you to integrate your life actions with the power of international living.